I think I have something!
Everyone I got another one! This time I did things differently because I haven't found a lot, the eyes look all the same, so I f igured maybe it i s because they are already dead, so probably they have a mechan i sm that when they die they change into full humans so in case of accidentally dying no one knows the truth. So because now I have some practice with the drug, I know that if I administrate 10mg of it no matter the weight, it dies, but with the first one, she was actually just very dizzy, that time was 3mg, but it was hard to strangle her, she kept moving, so with 4mg probab l y a woman of average height and weight would be just para l yzed, but conscious, so that's exactly what I want. With that in mind I cha s ed down the next, it was a little difficult to find someone with specific characteristics, b ut finally, I did, so as usual, it was so easy to lure her into my home, they trust me, everybody does, I gave her a drink and just waited, all the sudden I saw her col...